Hunt committee headed by the Hunt Chair shall from time to time review and revise the hunt program and shall submit such revisions to the Board of Directors for approval.
The Hunt committee shall consist of the Hunt Chair and four (4) additional experienced bowhunters with at least two (2) years of membership in Oranco. Committee members may be selected from the inactive, active or special membership and shall not consist of any elected club officer’s other than the Hunt Chair. The Board of Directors shall approve all appointments. The Board of Directors shall approve new appointments no later than the May Board meeting.
Small Game Award. This award is given to those hunters who take eight (8) species within a given year. Four (4) species for juniors 15 years and under.
Small Game Hunter of the Year. Small Game Hunter of the Year will be the hunter with the most points for small game. Once a hunter has won this award they will advance to the Master Class the following year.
Master Small Game Hunter of the Year. This will be the hunter that takes at least twelve (12) species and accumulates the most points of those hunters in the Master Class. Once a hunter enters the master class he will remain in this class.
Big Game Award. This award is given to those hunters who take one (1) Big Game species.
Big Game Hunter of the Year. This will be the hunter with the most points for big game. Once a hunter has won this award he will advance to the Master Class the following year.
Master Big Game Hunter of the Year. This will be the hunter who takes at least (2) big game species and accumulates the most points of those hunters in the Master Class. Once a hunter enters the Master Class he will remain in this class.
Oranco Bowhunter of the Year. Oranco Bowhunter of the Year will be the hunter that accumulates the most points, big and small game, over all. The winner of this award may be from any class. The hunter's name will be placed on a perennial trophy to be kept by the Club. A plaque is to be presented at the Awards Banquet.
Only one (1) animal per species and sub-species will be accepted
Any species not listed on the game list (see Attachment C) may be accepted by submitting a written petition. The Hunt Chair will determine points for such animals.
All animals must be turned into the Hunt Chair within six (6) weeks of harvest with the date of kill, place taken and number of points.
All animals turned in will be accepted on the honor of the Oranco member. However, if your veracity is challenged, proof will be needed to verify your claim.
No species taken under depredation will be accepted.
The point total assigned each animal (1-4) shall be solely based on the difficulty generally experienced in hunting that animal. As such, these point totals are an attempt to measure in some way the overall skill necessary to hunt and take that animal with a bow. (see Attachment C)
In the case of Geese, Ducks, Quail and Grouse different sub-species may be entered as separate animals. For example, a bowhunter may enter one Blue Grouse and one Sharp-tail Grouse OR one Pintail Duck and one Mallard Duck OR one Valley Quail and one Mountain Quail OR one Snow Goose and one Canadian Goose. Only separate sub-species listed in the game regulations of the state where killed will be accepted.
Only one (1) animal per species and sub-species will be accepted, with the exception that any number of record class animals will be accepted.
Any species not listed on the game list (see Attachment D) may be accepted by submitting a written petition. The Hunt Committee will determine points for such animals.
All animals must be legally harvested and legally possessed and taken under the rules of fair chase.
All animals must be turned in to the Hunt Chair within six (6) weeks of the kill and prior to the end of the hunt year. The hunt year is from January 1st through December 31st. Each card shall contain species or sub-species name, date of kill, location of kill (county and state), sex of animals and official trophy score.
All animals turned in will be accepted on the honor of the Oranco member. However, if your veracity is challenged, proof will be needed to verify your claim.
No animals taken under depredation will be accepted.
Any animal officially qualifying for the California Bowmen Hunters Records shall receive an additional three (3) bonus points. Any animal officially qualifying for the Pope and Young Club Records shall receive an additional six (6) bonus points. A maximum of six (6) bonus points shall be awarded per animal.
'Officially Qualifying' shall mean being officially scored by an official measurer of the respective record keeping organization and being accepted as valid by that organization. To receive additional bonus points, a copy of the official scoring form must accompany the species card. Any bonus points for an animal that cannot be officially measured before the end of the hunt year and ultimately qualifies for either Pope and Young or California Bowmen Hunters Record Book will be awarded the appropriate bonus points in the following year's competition
Where sub-species are determined by geographic locations, boundary lines determined by the CBH Big Game Club and the Pope and Young Club shall be used.
The point total assigned each animal (1-10) shall be solely based on the difficulty generally experienced in hunting that animal. As such, these point totals are an attempt to measure in some way the overall skill necessary to hunt and take that animal with a bow under the rules of fair chase.
Other animals not accepted by California Bowmen Hunter and Pope and Young Hunting Programs shall receive separate special awards.
There will be an annual Big Buck Contest, the winner of which shall be determined by the animal submitted with the greatest outside spread. Any two (2) Hunt Committee members shall take measurement. A perennial award shall be provided.
An annual tournament may be held to determine the field archery champion of the club membership. This tournament shall be known as the ’Champ Shoot’ and shall consist of at least fourteen (14) field targets, fourteen (14) hunter targets, and fourteen (14) animal targets, in accordance with NFAA rules. This tournament shall be held at a date determined by the Board of Directors.
One (1) field tournament may be held monthly in accordance with NFAA rules, the program for which shall be specified in advance by the Board of Directors. The monthly field tournament may be preempted by scheduling of a special tournament as a replacement.
Other tournaments or programs may be held and shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
20 PIN PROGRAM. This program will be conducted in conjunction with the club field tournaments. The Range Secretary will insure that the 20 Pin tournament registration is accomplished. The Range Secretary will administer the program in conjunction with the Club Field Tournament Awards.
MONTHLY FIELD TOURNAMENT AWARDS. Suitable awards will be made to the winners of each style in conjunction with the monthly field tournament The Range Secretary will administer this program.
GAME AWARDS. Small and Big Game awards will be made at the annual meeting to acknowledge proficiency in hunting by members.
STATE OR NATIONAL CHAMPION AWARD. Appropriate awards will be made at the annual meeting to members, in good standing, achieving State or National Champion status at annual State or National Tournaments. For purposes of this section, recognition applies to winners in each style for men and women in all adult and junior divisions.
MISCELLANEOUS AWARDS. Other Awards will be given from time to time as shall be deemed appropriate
CLUB PRESIDENTS AWARD. To be awarded to the member who has demonstrated the most outstanding attendance at all club functions. This award was established in 1970 to honor our past dedicated member, Henry Poteet.
RANGE CAPTAIN’S AWARD. To be awarded to the member who has demonstrated the outstanding effort in the performance of range duties and assignments. This award was established in 1983 to honor our past dedicated member Richard Snyder, Sr.
AWARD OF MERIT. To be awarded from time to time as shall be deemed appropriate to those persons that demonstrate consistently Outstanding Dedication, Service, and Leadership to the betterment of Organized Archery.