Oranco Bowmen Junior Field Archers

I think we can all agree that the education of our youth archers is imperative to the continuation of our sport. There are a lot of JOAD programs available to our young archers and lots of indoor ranges for them to practice their skills and now it is our turn...Oranco Bowmen is stepping up with our new Junior Field Archers program.

What we will be doing:

The OBJFA will meet on the first Sunday of every month at 9 am, we will be shooting either a Field, Hunter or Animal round (14 targets) and teaching the Youth Archers how to properly shoot and score the round according to NFAA rules and we will have experienced chaperones available to assist the archers.

In addition, we will be introducing our Youth Archers to shooting and scoring 3-D targets to prepare them for tournaments involving 3-Ds.

Equipment (Recurve bows) will be provided for those archers that don’t have a bow yet.

The cost is our Clubs normal Sunday shooting fees for Youth and Young Adult Archers ( $20 ) and free for Cubs 11 and under. Oranco Club members are free.

This is not a beginners archery class. Archers must be able to hit the target at 30 yards so If you have never shot a bow before, we require you to attend our Beginners Archery class before you attend.

Click here to see the schedule

Parent or Guardian must be present during the class.

Adults are welcome to join our group but are not eligible for awards.

For more information please contact David Bacon at ob.tournament@outlook.com